Bring on the Spanish sunshine! 

Last week Team Canada traveled to Aranjuez, Spain to prepare for the World Championships happening this week in Paris.  I know right, not a bad spot to water ski and train for our upcoming event.  


Spain has a lot going on.  Sunshine, beautiful architecture and good Rioja wine.  It's hard to resist the meat, cheese, bread, wine, pastries and candies in the lobby. 

The big question is, how do you keep yourself from derailing from your diet and staying healthy while traveling?  Here are some tips. 

Mindful eating:   I don't focus on perfection I focus on balance.  If I sampled everything at the breakfast buffet ... then I know I need to be more mindful and order extra greens for lunch and dinner.  I also travel with food, especially when I am competing.  On training and competition days, you will see me with a bowl full of goodness which is: oatmeal, protein powder, nuts, and chia seeds.

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Get in a workout: I know you're on vacation but seriously you will feel way better if you get in a workout.  A short sweat session is better than no session at all.

Walk to see the sites:  Most of the cities in Europe are pedestrian friendly.  Walk to dinner and to the different places you want to tour. 

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Stay hydrated:  Whatever your caffeine fix is espresso, cappuccino, long black or a latte the Europeans sure know how to make a cup of coffee!  Be sure to keep hydrated while touring and getting the right amount of electrolytes.  For every wine or gin and tonic, drink an extra glass of water!


Pack a wellness kit:  I always travel with a few essentials to nourish my body to keep me healthy while on the go. 

Garden of Life - protein powder, greens powder and multi vitamins

Asend Nutrition - Hydration drink mix, just add water  

Wedderspoon - 2 go honey packs 

Emergency C 

Protein bars and healthy snacks


I hope this helps you keep up with your fitness and health goals on your next vacation.