Oatmeal to Go

Well, hello again my quarantined friends! : )  It’s been a while since I have been on the blog and thought this is the perfect time to get back and connect with you all. 

 Anyone getting a little stir crazy at home?  Or are you enjoying some much needed quaran-cleaning. : ) I know I have been slowly getting to every corner of my house!  

A lot has changed in a year.  I became a mom to Miss Aria Rose.  She is our little ray of sunshine and truly brings so much joy into our life.  

Aria .JPG

When parents say time flys when you have kids wow, they were not kidding. It seems just like yesterday that Aria was brand new and now there are so many things she can do!  It’s like life is stuck in fast forward mode and I wish I could press the pause button and freeze time.

Time is definitely a commodity and its more important then ever to keep up with healthy eating! 

So, I thought I would share with you this super easy, nutritious, and delicious Oatmeal to GO recipe.   Simply cook up one big batch, enjoy the first bowl hot off the stove, and then freeze the rest to enjoy for days to come. 

When you’re in a rush, or just want a simple and healthy breakfast like I do… pop one in the microwave and voila breakfast is served. 



5 cups water

1/2 tsp salt

2 cups regular rolled oats

1/3 cup packed brown sugar

1 tbsp butter

1 tsp ground cinnamon

1/2 cup dried fruit

1 cup fresh berries

1/2 cup chopped nuts ( whichever you prefer)  



  1. In a medium saucepan bring water and salt to boil. Stir in oats. Cook for 5 minutes stirring occasionally.

  2. Remove from heat.  Mixture will be runny but thickens as it cools.  Stir in brown sugar, butter and cinnamon. 

  3. Transfer to bowl. Cover and chill until cool.  Once cool add dried fruit.

  4. Grab a muffin tray.  Scoop about 1/2 cup to 1 cup into muffin cup.  ( I load mine up… I like a huge bowl of oatmeal in the morning)

  5. Sprinkle with nuts and berries.

  6. Cover and freeze for 6 hours. Then let stand at room temperature for 5 minutes and pop them out. 

  7. Transfer from frozen muffin cups to freezer bags or airtight container. 


Makes 12 small  or  8 large oatmeal cups.