Boost your Mood

In a quarantine slump?

Nothing feels better than feeling healthy and it’s easy to get in a rut when staying at home. Here are some tips to help boost your mood and energy levels while social distancing at home. 

Get outdoors and breathe in the fresh air.                                       

I like to start my day by going outside and doing a short 10min yoga.  I listen to the birds, feel the wind on my face and take in the fresh air.  If you live in the city or feel like you would rather not risk going outside open your blinds and let the sunshine in.  Just feeling the warm sunshine on your face will brighten your day.


Move your body! 

I try to move my body every single day.  Which isn’t that hard when you have a one year old running around the house. haha. But seriously, sweating and getting the blood pumping will get the happy endorphins going. : )  Plus energy fuels more energy.  I like to use the Nike training app for ideas and when I just want to follow along for a workout.   It’s hard to come up with a workout routine when…well we’re out of routine. The great thing is many instructors now have online programs, live webinars, or just google home workout or yoga for a little fit fun. 

Move your body

Hydrate- Hydrate - Hydrate 

Dehydration can lead to brain fog and low energy.  Before you go to the fridge for the millionth time.  ( Am I right? hehehe) Gosh I keep doing laps around my island in the kitchen. lol  Drink some water. Water will not only give you a boost in energy it will give your skin some extra glow. When we feel tired, overwhelmed, and stiff it’s easy to quickly make another cup of coffee.  Instead try having a glass of water.


Night time routine. I have talked about routines before on the blog.  Specifically,  my morning routine.  But it all starts the night before.  While it seems like fun binge watching your favorite netflix show or scrolling through your phone mindlessly it’s not the best way to wind down.  Reading a book, having a hot shower or bath, journaling or creating a gratitude list are a great alternatives.

Create a gratitude list. Im sure I’m not the first person to tell you this.  Making a list of things that you are grateful for are tested and true to boost your mood.  With all the chaos in the world today we sometimes forget all the goodness in our lives.  Right now I know health is on the top of my list.  Gratitude helps us focus on the good and what we can control .


Call a friend. Missing your weekly coffee dates and social gatherings with friends?  Great news is…we are all still here and it’s easier than ever to stay connected.  Set up a facetime call with a loved one, zoom or try the new house party app to chat with friends and family. 


Help others. There is no better way to boost your mood than to help others. It can be as simple as calling someone who you know lives alone, donating to a charity, offer to get groceries delivered for the elderly, or simply taking some time to make someones day a little brighter.

Meditation the new wonder drug

Meditation is the new wonder drug.   Does it ever feel like you have so much to do and that it’s impossible to get your thoughts in order?  Your goals for the day might feel like a mountain you’ll never get to the top of.  I’m here to tell you that a short meditation session is just what you need to recharge your mental and emotional batteries. 

You don't have to wait for a weekend retreat or spend time with a special guru.  Meditation is something that you can do right from home. I’m here to simplify this for you and take away the stigma surrounding meditation.

I love meditation so much because it's like a reboot for your brain.  Meditation is not getting rid of your thoughts, it’s being at ease with them and getting them in the right order. It’s your battery recharging station and getting your hard drive in order. It’s just like cleaning out your insanely full email inbox. 


I like to think of meditation as going to the gym but for your thoughts. The more you do, the more you strengthen your attention muscles. In this day and age I feel like attention is hard to come by. Who doesn't want to be more focused, relaxed and engaged in daily tasks. We have so many devices and distractions that this simple tool is a complete game changer.   


So, you're probably wondering how do you get started? And how long should I meditate for?

Good questions. 

First, start off by finding a quiet space.      Choose between sitting or laying on the ground.

OPTION ONE :  is called mindfulness meditation:

In this form of meditation you pay attention to your senses. Listen to the sounds, pay attention to your heartbeat, your breath, the temperature and how your body feels. You just simply gain awareness of yourself and your surroundings engaging, your senses. I suggest 3 minutes to start. Set a timer on your phone, relax and enjoy the moment.

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Focus on your breathe. 

OPTION TWO :  is a form of breath work:

Focus on a specific respiration rate then time your inhales, and exhales to match that rate.  For example, I like the Inhale for 10,9,8,7 and Exhale for 6,5,4,3,2,1 second rate.  The longer time period for the exhale is very relaxing and calming. This is my favorite!

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OPTION THREE : is guided meditation: 

If your brand new to meditation I recommend downloading the app Headspace. Their self-guided meditation app makes learning how to control your thoughts simple and easy to follow along.

headspace app

Digital Detox!

So many gigabytes of goodness.  Smartphones do it all.  You can search for local restaurants, map a destination, take photos, update your status, chat with your family and friends, heck you can even now meet your husband or wife through an app on your phone. 

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Our phones are great at giving us what we want...but not always what we need. 

They are slowly creeping into our lives, our families, relationships, dinners, and even the bedrooms.  

We've all done it... got lost in the dark hole of scrolling through the internet.  Where you end up somehow on someone's page you don't even know and hopefully not comparing yourself to that flawless body or that perfectly "staged" clean bedroom someone just posted. lol  

Here are some healthy habits that I have used to stay sane in this hyperconnected world.  

-   Turn off all notifications! This is a must. You should always be in control of when you receive information, not the reverse. 

- Disconnect one day a week. Get outside and truly connect with yourself. They say the best way to connect is to disconnect. 


- Leave your phone at home. Date night or just hanging out with friends leave the phones at home or at least in your car. If you're going to show up, you don't need to be staring at your phone all night.  Make real conversations and enjoy the company around you. 



So how do I stay sane while traveling and being on the road?  

It's all about routines. 

A few years ago I decided I needed to start having a morning routine.  It's so easy to wake up and grab your phone and get lost scrolling the dark hole of the internet.  When you roll over in bed to check your emails, you let your inbox decided how you're going to start your day. 

I decided I needed to start making the most of my mornings.

The way you begin each day sets the tone for the way you live each day!  

No matter where I am (home, tournaments, or on vacation)  I start most (90%) of mornings the EXACT same way, no matter what time zone or continent I am on.

I know you're probably thinking gosh... how boring.  This was me a few years back.  Honestly, this is what keeps me sane, happy and grounded while I travel and when life gets busy. 

Here’s how I dial in my morning routine 

Wake up - Smile today is a beautiful day.  Literally smiling at yourself sets the intention for the day and I believe it actually releases positive endorphins. 


Hit the mat -   I like to start my mornings off with a little yoga. (anywhere from 15-55 minutes) This is when I check in and see how I mentally and physically feel.  Am I stressed?  Am I sore?  Is anything tight?  It not only allows me to connect with my mind and body, but a light sweat session also gives me energy.


Breakfast -  Oatmeal and a Latte.  If you follow me on Instagram @thebalancedb and watch any of my stories you will surely see a morning latte photo. 


Journal & Plan out the day - reconnect with my goals and plan out the week.   I know its a bit old school but writing things out in a journal really helps to slow things down and allows time to truly reflect. 


Remember it's not what you do once or twice a year its what you do day in and day out! Try out my routine or modify to what best fits your needs.  Send me a email or instagram message and let me know what you think! 



You've probably heard the saying a Sunday well spent brings a week of content.  I love this saying... and enjoy a relaxing self-care Sunday!  But I haven't always followed this motto.  


Two years ago I severely injured my tibia and talus in a waterski crash.  I spent the next three months on crutches watching from the sidelines.  During this time I managed to get addicted to playing Candy Crush and spent an obnoxious amount of time on the arm bike. ugh. What can I say, it was a rough 3 months. hahaha    

I try to learn from all life's challenges.  After reflecting on the day I crashed, and the weeks leading up to my injury I realized I was stressed, not sleeping well, and trying to please everyone around me.  I didn't realize how tired I actually was.  This is the moment I knew something had to change. 

Being your own boss is great and has lots of perks.  You get to work from home and set your own schedule, but I needed to set routines and boundaries for myself to follow. 

I had to stop glorifying being busy and take better care of myself.  I needed to find some work-life BALANCE. 

While this is not a new concept, it is sometimes easy to overlook.  Of course, I eat, bathe, and workout.  But I mean really stop and take time for yourself.  Each month the calendar can fill up fast with work commitments, appointments, and social events that we forget to take care of the most important person... ourselves.  At times I thought this was a selfish act but its quite the opposite. I've come to realize that the more I take care of my mind, body, and soul the more I am able to love and give to others.  

As I look at my weekly schedule, I choose one day a week... usually, Sunday's  where I devote the day to doing things that recharge me.  When I take the time to do this, I wake up the next day radiating positive vibes! 

These are my favorite things to do to recharge, add clarity and fuel my mind, body and soul…




Float on my pool flamingo. 

Make a tropical drink - I instantly feel like I am on vacay : )

Coffee, lunch, or phone date with a friend

Go for brunch 

An activity outside in nature - surf, run on the beach, paddle board, hiking, biking 


These are things that work for me, take time to find what will work for you!  Every "body" is different, respect your’s and treat yourself to some self-care.  Everyone deserves some "me" time.  So put down your phone, forget about all your obligations, and do what just feels right. You will know it’s for you when you feel calm, clear and energized from the activity.



Have you ever heard of floating, for relaxing and ease of muscle pain? If not, you're not alone. I actually just tried this for the first time last week. 

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This space ship looking capsule is your private Epsom salt bath.  When you arrive, you are suppose to enter the capsule, shut the lid, and begin relaxing for 60 minutes.  I am getting anxious as I type this!  ekkkk I'm claustrophobic soooo to say I was uncomfortable is an understatement. 

You're probably wondering....WHY is she doing this?!  Why would a claustrophobic person do this to themselves....duh  because I'm a very curious person and because its good for you of course. There has been scientific research that shows floating therapy can help reduce stress, ease muscle pain, and tension in the body.  So I had to try it! 

At first, it's really nice.  Your personal pod has relaxing music and dimmed lighting.   I got inside and thought wow this is great!  10 minutes later the lights and music turn off, and now I am floating in a weird pod in the dark.  

My mind started to race.... RELAX! I reassure myself I will be ok.  BREATHE! You can do this..... oh HELL NO! I pop the lid off and sit up. I'm FREE.  Yeah!  After a few minutes of contemplating what to do, I finally talk myself into closing the lid and go back inside to my dark capsule to float some more.   RELAX.  I tell myself again.  Only 45 more minutes to go!  

So, did it work?  Well, as much as I hoped that it was more hype than actual results, I do think it helped.  Similar to a massage which for me is more comfortable I felt relaxed afterwards and the next day my body felt rested, and I was ready to ski.  It's not magic but if you're looking for something new I would recommend giving it a try.