We all know that Yoga is good for us.  It reduces stress, quiets the mind and enhances our overall wellbeing but finding time to make it to the yoga studio can be challenging at times.  So why not create a space in your home to practice.  Practicing at home gives you the flexibility to choose when you hit the mat. 


Here are some tips to take your yoga practice at home. 

Create a yoga space at home - this doesn't have to be anything fancy.  Simply find a quiet area in your house with little to no distractions. I like to take my practice outdoors. The fresh air lets me breathe a little easier and allows me to connect with nature.  I love listening to the bird's chirp, the water trickle in my fountain and feel the wind on my face.  


Schedule it in.  - If I do not schedule it in...it's probably not going to happen. I schedule my yoga practice for first thing in the morning.     For me, there is no better time then starting my day with some yoga flow. 

Subscribe to an online class - I love Google because you can be specific about what you're looking for.  Yoga for the morning, yoga for sore back, yoga for strength, ect.  I subscribe to beach yoga girl and purchased her yoga classes through the cody app. 

Set your intention - an intention is bringing awareness to something that you want to focus on during your practice and for the day.   Intentions could be gratitude, patience, being fully present, letting go of negativity or love.


Purchase Yoga essentials - you will need a yoga mat, yoga block, and maybe yoga straps if flexibility is not your thing.  

Now go hit your mat, set your intention and have a wonderful day.



When it comes to working out, I love mixing it up.  Everything from spin class, beach runs and mountain biking to standup paddling and surfing… if you read my blog you know I love to surf! I love a good sweat session.  However, when it comes to warming up — the routine remains the same.    

Over the years I’ve been continually asked if I have a warm-up routine before I ski.  The answer is yes! I am a firm believer that a proper warm-up is essential.  It not only helps prevent injury, it gets your muscles fully primed for optimal performance.  Which is exactly what we want, right?   

My warm-up consists of a series of mobility exercises that help increase range of motion and correct limitations.   Poor mobility means you’re leaving power and strength on the dock…which  usually leads to bad form and inefficiency, ultimately leading to injury! 

As an athlete preparation is key.  It doesn’t matter if I am practicing in my backyard or competing in a pro event, my warm up routine remains the same.  This allows my mind to let go and focus on the task at hand.  By focusing my attention I am not wondering what exercise I should do or second guessing myself once I’m out on the water.

Remember… every "body" is different.  Over the years I have simplified my routine and found that this is what works for me.  Please feel free to modify this warm-up to one that best fits you.   Do your warm-up before you ski, workout, or anytime you have a few minutes and want to put your body through a full range of motion and feel awesome after.   

If you have any more questions about my warm-up or of the exercises feel free to email me at  thebalancedb@gmail.com 

Lets get to it...

Start off by doing 5 to 10 minutes of cardio.  ( run, jump rope, bike)  


Side shuffles - keeping toes forward and hips low shuffle side to side.  Do 2 sets of 10 alternating directions.  

Cross overs -  shuffle side to side criss crossing your legs. Do 2 sets of 10 alternating directions. 


Roll it out -  This is when I check in and see how my body feels.  If something is tight I will spend a few minutes rolling that area out. 


These next two exercise are great for slalom skiers and anyone that sits at a desk for any length of time! 

Elbow touches - Begin by lying on your right side.  Bend both of your legs to 90 degrees.  Place bottom arm on hip bone.  Press firmly on your hip so when you rotate forward your hips do not move. Place your left fingertips behind ear.  Slowly rotate towards the ground until your elbow touches.  Repeat 5 times. Then switch sides. 


Windmill - Begin by lying on your side. Bend both of your legs to 90 degrees. Place bottom arm on hip bone.  Press firmly on your hip so when you windmill your hips do not move and rotate. (first picture) Extend your top arm and slowly drag your fingers on the floor up and over your head (second picture) until your hand reaches over to the other side.  Make sure your eyes follow your hand.  Ideal is to keep your hand on the floor during the whole exercise.  Once you windmill all the way to your butt go back in the direction you came from. Repeat 5 times. 


Bird Dogs - Start on all fours.  Slowly extend your right leg behind you while reaching your left arm forward (first picture). Keep your hips and shoulders square. Hold for five seconds. Then slowly round back and touch left elbow to right knee ( second picture) return to the starting position and do the move on the opposite side.  Complete 5 on each side. 


Bicycles - Lie on your back with fingertips behind ears, legs in the air, and knees pulled toward chest.  Engage your core by contracting as you lift your shoulder blades off the ground. Straighten your left leg at a 45-degree angle and rotate your upper body to the right, bringing the left elbow toward the right knee ( first picture). Switch sides by straightening your right leg, bending your left leg, and bringing the right elbow to the left knee. Alternate sides in a pedaling motion.   Complete 2 sets of 12 - 20 reps.



Looking great in a bikini or swimsuit may be the only motivation you need to strengthen and tone your core (midsection).  There are many benefits besides looking and feeling good to hit the gym and start working it!

Having a strong core can help many things. It improves balance, posture, prevent injury, and can help alleviate general back pain.  Most of our body movements originate from the core, so it is extremely important to strengthen these muscles (hips, lower back, and abs).   Like all sports, it takes a lot of core strength to waterski.  It's important to have a strong core to help with balance on the water and to resist the pull of the boat.  The more angle you create, the more you have to resist and engage your core strength.  

You don't have to be a pro athlete or waterskier to get the benefits from this workout.... check it out.  It's fun, short, and all you need is a mat and stability ball.  Warm up for 10mins and try one of my workouts! 

Split lunge - works abs, butt, quads, hamstrings

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Stand on right leg in front of ball with left leg bent behind you and shin and toes on the ball. Hands on hips to start. (First Picture) Bend right leg, pushing ball back with left leg. (Second Picture)  Return to start. Repeat of 30 seconds. Switch sides and repeat. 

Plank - works shoulders and abs

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Start on knees and put elbows on the ball.  Push up into plank position. Hold for 30 secs to 1 min. 

Tuck ups to push up - works abs, shoulders, chest, quads

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Lie on your abs on the ball and walk your hands forward on the floor until ball rests under your shins.  Pull your navel in to keep abs tight.  Pull knees to chest then roll back out to starting position then bend elbows while you lower your upper body to the floor in a push-up position. Hold for a second push back up and repeat.  8-12 times

Ball Pass - works abs

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Lie on your back holding the ball above your head.  Lift your feet so your shins are parallel to the floor.  As you lift your upper body off the floor, bring the ball across your body and place it between your feet.  Lower legs to floor while squeezing the ball.  Continue to pass the ball back and forth 8-12 times. 

Hamstring Curls - works abs, butt, hamstrings

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Lie face up on the floor with arms extended on the floor to help balance. Place both heels on the ball.  Using your abs raise your back and butt off the floor.  Suck knees up and bring heels to butt. Roll in and out slowly.  Repeat 8-12 times.

Crab Toe Touches - works obliques, quads, hamstrings

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Sitting on ball, walk feet forward until ball rolls just below shoulderblades. With elbows bent place fingertips behind head.  Lift and extend left leg as you reach right hand to touch toes. As shown in picture. Continue alternating sides for 1 min. 

Lying Pendulum - works abs, obliques

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Lie faceup on floor with ball between ankles and legs extended straight up over hips.  Arms on floor by sides to start.  (Top Picture)  Lower Straight legs at a diagonal toward floor (Bottom Picture) Repeat 8-12 times.



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Headspace- is a meditation app that will have you feeling calm and clear in no time. This self-guided meditation app makes it simple and easy to learn how to meditate.  Are you feeling stressed? Distracted? Or had a crazy week? Head Space is a perfect way to RESET!  This 10 minute guided meditation quickly puts your mind at ease and will have you feeling refreshed in no time.

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Run Keeper - I would love to say I am a runner, but I am not that dedicated.  I go in waves where I run a lot one week and then forget for two weeks.  But I do love running and when I do I like to track my progress.  This app tracks distance, speed, time, and saves the info for you!  It will show you how many miles you logged this week, last week, and even shows you your personal records.  If you love to run, go check out this app! 

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Nike Training Club - This app allows you to workout whenever and wherever, which works well when I am traveling to and from tournaments or on the road coaching.  If you have never worked out, no problem, they have workouts for all levels.  Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced.  You can also choose from a variety of options depending on what your goals are.  I love the core workouts.  If I have an extra 15 minutes, I click on my app and in seconds, I am working out.  Sometimes we make such a big deal about getting in a workout.  If you only have 10,15, or 20 minutes something is better then nothing! 



When you're taking hits and pushing your body to the max for that extra buoy, we all run into stiff and sore muscles. Tight lats, blown out forearms, and sore lower back are common complaints I hear from skiers of all levels. How do we prevent and rehab these common injuries?

I reached out to Nautique and Waterski Canada Teammate Whitney McClintock and asked her what she does to prevent injuries. She happily shared with me her GO-TO workout. Not only is she a fierce competitor and former World Champion she also has a bachelor of science degree in sports and fitness. 

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(Please talk to your family physician before performing these exercises) 

 Upper Body Rehab Video - Part 1

Upper Body Rehab Video - Part 2